Category Archives: Health

India and Argentina to begin joint research in biotechnology, medical sciences and health

Under the India-Argentina bilateral scientific and technological cooperation, India and Argentina will soon begin joint research in different scientific areas such as biotechnology (including drug discovery), medical sciences and health, etc.

The joint research projects between Indian and Argentine groups are being implemented under the framework of Programme of Cooperation in Science and Technology (POC) 2013-2015, signed on 2nd October, 2013, between the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology of the Indian Republic and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT) of the Argentine Republic, taking as a base of the General Agreement of 1985 on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Indian and Argentine government.

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Supplemental Science

A meta-analysis of health studies concluded last month that saturated fat consumption is not linked to a higher incidence of adverse coronary events, such as heart attacks and strokes—a finding contrary to most dietary guidelines published since the 1960s.

When the surprising news hit the media, it was hailed by meat lovers and pilloried by many nutrition experts. But the news stories omitted another key finding: The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish reduce the risk of adverse coronary incidents in the general population (Ann. Intern. Med. 2014, DOI:10.7326/m13-1788). That detail is positive news for fish eaters. It could also signal good fortune for some big players in the chemical industry.

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How to Train the Compassionate Brain

The first time I ever tried a loving-kindness meditation, I was overcome by a feeling of complete… futility. Mentally extending compassion to others and wishing them free from suffering seemed nice enough, but I had a hard time believing that my idle thoughts could increase kindness in the real world.

Turns out I was wrong.

A new study, just published online by Psychological Science, shows that training adults in a loving-kindness-style “compassion meditation” actually makes them significantly more altruistic toward others.

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